KBOZ, Bozeman
signed on the air in December, 1975, under the ownership of Bill Reier.
In 1988, the station was sold to Citadel Communications.
In 1996, the station was sold back to Bill Reier. The station operates on 1090 kHz,
with 5,000 Watts, non-directional days, and
utilizes a 5-tower directional array at night. The station often
receives reception reports from distant listeners (DXer's) all over
the world.

Five towers with their red lights blinking in the night, Dec-2000.

Installed in 1975, and still in continuous use,
Harris/Gates MW-5 transmitter, 17-Dec-2000.

The "doghouse" for tower 3 houses the antenna matching network
for non-directional operation during the day. January, 2001.

This is what we broadcast engineers call the ATU. At KBOZ, it is one
of five fabricated by the Gates Radio Company (Harris Corporation) in 1975.
This one is installed in the doghouse at tower 3. This photo
was taken in January, 2001.

This Gates console is the original, installed in 1975. Over the years, this studio has had
turntables, cart machines, reel tape machines, Steve Campbell's Darth, and
the computerized Scott Studios.

New KBOZ studio under construction, March, 2004. The R-90 console has been temporarily set on the counter
to evaluate various layouts. The video monitor arm risers were fabricated by Norco in Missoula.

Final configuration of the KBOZ studio. The big console, three video monitors, three keyboards, and telephone
control console provide great flexibility along with seeming complexity. When Dave Visscher says he is
overwhelmed by his new studio, this is why.

Brian Bennet, Producer, Dave Visscher, Star, and Dean Alexander, co-star
of the morning show, 26-Oct-2004.

With a face for radio, Mister Info is in the News Room, 16-Feb-2007.
Note to DX'ers
We welcome your reception reports. In order to receive a DX
Confirmation, your report should include the following information:
Date and time of reception, in UCT or Mountain Time.
Program details, ie., name of song, name of announcer, commercial sponsors, etc.
Your name and address.
Lacking adequate program details, you should send a recording of your
reception. We are able to play all standard format media and sound files.
We always enjoy reading about your DXpedition, the type of equipment and
antennas that you use, and viewing your photos.
By e-mail: engr@kboz.com
By snail mail:
Chief Engineer
KBOZ Radio
P. O. Box 20
Bozeman, MT 59718
Station Technical Summary
Service |
Standard Broadcast |
Frequency |
1090 kHz |
Power |
5,000 Watts Non-D Days
5,000 Watts Directional Nights |
FCC Facility ID |
16775 |
Tower Registration |
#5=1044246 |
Near the end of 2006, we began making big changes at KBOZ-AM.
KBOZ-AM Page 2.
KOBB-FM serves Big Sky on translator
K288ES on 105.5 MHz.
KOBB-FM serves Livingston on translator
K240CO on 95.9 MHz.
KOZB (FM) serves Livington with translator
K265AS on 100.9 MHz.
Story Hill Electronic Site.
Green Mountain Electronic Site.
This page updated 14-Mar-2016.