Montanavision Media Inc.
Client Since 2008.
Chippewa Cree Tribe
Rocky Boy's Reservation, Montana

Construction of the new station began in August, 2010, as soon as a lease for the transmitter site was signed.

Bobby and Justin
Bobby Favel talks with Justin Four Colors about the electrical work for the new station.
Kevin, Kenton, and Colton
With Colton's sharp eye on the right, Kenton Maslen adjusts the mount for the new four-bay Shively antenna.
KHEW Antenna
Kenton Maslen has just finished mounting the third bay of the new KHEW antenna.
Kevin, Colton, Kenton
After the fourth bay went up, it was time to install the Andrew Heliax.
Kenton and Kevin
Kenton and Kevin prepare to connect the Heliax to the antenna.
The new four-bay KHEW antenna is just below the eight-bay KXEI antenna, August 20, 2010.

Page 3, Transmitter Installation.

Page 4, Studio Installation.

Page 5, Satellite Dish.

Page 1, Main Page.

Page 2, Antenna Installation.

Chief Rocky Boy Chippewa Cree Tribe Web Site.

Montanavision Montanavision Home Page.

This page updated 14-Mar-2016.