Montanavision, Inc.
Full Service Client Since 2005.

Connoisseur Media

KPLN, Lockwood, Montana.
FCC Facility ID 164108.
Frequency: 106.7 MHz.
ERP: 100 kW (H & V).

Iceland Sites #50,
on Sacrifice Cliffs above Billings, with new ice bridge in place, 20-Oct-2005.

Engineer Dick Jones and site owner Don Holzheimer
discuss the project, July 10, 2005.

Ed Taylor installs a new circuit breaker on the outside, 20-Oct-2005.

The huge reel of coax was delivered by low-boy from Andrew in Chicago.

Tinners from Central Sheet Metal install the first of two air conditioners, 17-Nov-2005.

Twelve twenty-foot fiberglass rods on a trailer, ready for installation on the tower by
Colton Tower Consultants.

Harris HT35CD transmitter.

High voltage power supply for the transmitter.

Jim temporarily hangs the transmitter low-pass filter to check for clearance to
electrical conduits and ventilation ducts.

Jampro bandpass filter for 106.7 MHz and Dick Jones.

Connoisseur executive Charles Lelievre lends a hand to wire up the new transmitter.

Dick Jones checks the connector at the lower end of the 4 inch Heliax.

Bird BPM in the line.

Final tube installed in PA compartment. Because of the oil refineries in the area, this
is the last time these silver-plated components will look so bright and shiny.

Apprentice Kevin Judd installs cable ladder in transmitter building, 01-Feb-2006.

From top, 8-bay antenna for KWMY 92.5, TV microwave dish, 2-bay FM antenna for KLRV 90.9,
and 12-bay half-wave-spaced FM antenna for KPLN 106.7.
The tower was fabricated by Magnum Towers
of Sacramento, and erected by
Colton Tower Consultants of McAllister, Montana.

Harris HT35CD transmitter tested at 100% power more than a month before the
station's official launch date of March 1, 2006.
This page updated 14-Mar-2016.