Montanavision Media Inc.
Client Since 2009.
KGVW (AM), Belgrade
Christian Media Ministries
In 2010, the AM studio had been in continuous use for thirty years.
The station budget had always been focused on ministry and the studio had
changed little in that time. CD players and computers had taken the
place of turntables and cartridge tape players, but this old console was
expected to keep playing.
Autogram IC-8 console in KGVW (AM) studio, 30-July-2009.
With the BE AudioVault system feeding the transmitter, we began by
removing accumulated decades of old wiring and the old console,
November 9, 2010.
Several hours later, the new Arrakis ARC8 console is in place and
performing basic functions. Station Manager Mark Brashear checks
the broadcast schedule on the AudioVault system, November 9, 2010.
KGVW (AM) Page.
KCMM (FM) Page.
Christian Media Ministries Main Page.
Montanavision Home Page.
This page updated 14-Mar-2016.