Cory Woods hosts the 5 PM News and Information Hour
on KBLL-AM, 08-Oct-1999.

KBLL-AM tower, 160 feet tall, at 11th and Roberts
in Helena, 29-July-1999. This tower was demolished in 2004.
The 1240 kHz signal is now diplexed with the 1340 kHz signal

KBLL-AM Antenna Tuning Unit, in a small shed at the base
of the tower. One could still see the home telephone number of
former Chief Engineer Tom McGinley on the wall there, until
the building was razed in 2004.

Harris SX-1, 1,000 Watt AM transmitter at KBLL-AM, 29-July-1999.
Coverage Map.
Holter Broadcasting Main Page.
Montanavision, Inc. Home Page.
This page updated 14-Mar-2016.